We acknowledge that there are other experienced and competent Leadership Development and Training service providers that you could partner with, which begs the question: “Why SALDaTI?”
We would like to pride ourselves that we can offer you the following and we trust that you would experience this first-hand in dealing with us:
- We specialise in Leadership Development and Training, which is the core focus of our business.
- We live our Tagline – “Growing Leaders. Impacting Results.” If we can’t add value to your leaders or to your organisation, then we won’t get involved.
- We support transformation in the business world by empowering greater black economic participation. We are currently a Level 4 contributor. Therefore, 100% of your spend with us will count towards your BBBEE scorecard, in addition to the added procurement scorecard benefits that you will receive when dealing with an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) like SALDaTI.
- We provide consulting services linked to Customised Solutions, as well as Generic Solutions which you can choose from.
- Especially with regard to our Customised Solutions, we prefer to adopt a partnership approach versus only a once-off intervention.
- For organisations that are serious about making use of our products and services, we provide a free leadership development assessment or survey, before we present you with a ‘no-obligation’ proposal based on your unique needs.
- Our Growth Solutions are based on sound research, that is combined with extensive practical experience and a practical approach to leadership development.
- We always ask ourselves, “what are the practical takeaways that each delegate can use to become a better leader, versus just attending another course or programme?”
- We understand the dynamic business environment and that we need to provide you with the highest level of service to support your organisation.
- We deem ourselves an authority in the field of Leadership Development, but we combine this with your unique requirements… We listen, because ultimately this joint effort forges lasting business relationships.
- We believe in taking social responsibility and a portion of our income is invested back into the youth leaders in Southern Africa.
- We offer focused online course content that covers a wide spectrum of what we believe is needed to successfully develop your leaders.
- We have a continuous improvement philosophy where we benchmark what we do and what we offer to international and local standards on a continuous basis.
- We offer Online, Blended and Classroom development and training options.
We trust that this information will assist you in making an informed decision as to which service provider to partner with for your Leadership Development and Training needs.